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Meet Deborah Grossman, Our New Volunteer Spotlight Award Winner!

Anelle Cherkashina

AMA New York Volunteer Spotlight Award recognize exceptional volunteers whose contributions grow the organization and create exciting initiatives for the chapter’s members and marketing industry as a whole. This year, we recognize Deborah Grossman who first joined the chapter in 2019 and played a significant role in promoting the AMA’s professional development and networking events. Since then, Deborah has expanded her role and became involved in multiple initiatives including volunteer engagement and content development while helping lead the Networking Events Committee as the Director of Content & Strategy.

“Deborah is a remarkable volunteer who stands out for her proactivity and dedication. She plays an essential role in the Career Development and Networking Events Committee as well as in the entire AMA New York Chapter.  Deborah has experienced tremendous growth since she joined the team, not only because of her excellent copywriting and editing skills, but also because of her strategic, creative, and critical thinking skills.  Deborah is a pleasure to work with; she is a collaborative, resourceful, and flexible team player.  We are fortunate to have a highly-reliable, and talented volunteer like Deborah in the team.  I am looking forward to continuing collaborating with her in the near future!”  – Esther Elkouss Networking Events Committee Chair

Deborah’s marketing experience in social media, community management and influencer marketing drive results in her freelance work with brands and in the organization.

She helped develop content guidelines, processes and strategies which effectively promote the chapter’s events and drive awareness of the AMA New York brand.

We asked Deborah a few questions about her volunteer experience and the value it provides to her career. Here’s what she said.

When did you join and why did you decide to become a member of AMA New York?

In January 2019, I joined AMA New York. My priority was building my professional network and making connections as I was in the process of completing my career change to digital marketing from non-profit fundraising. Being part of a professional association for marketing professionals was extremely important for my career, professional development and strengthening my personal brand. I am so glad I joined the AMA New York community. Surrounded by other passionate and creative marketing professionals, I love being part of such a dynamic organization!

Why did you become an AMA New York volunteer?

A few months after I joined AMA New York, I became a volunteer to gain additional hands-on experience and sharpen my skills. I saw an opening for a Social Media Copywriter for the Programming Committee. Given my freelancing work in social media content creation and strategy, I thought this role would be a great fit. After applying for the volunteer position and submitting portfolio samples, I received a welcome email from the Director of Volunteers, who then connected me to the Programming Committee Chair. Since then, I’ve become an active AMA New York volunteer, currently volunteering for the Networking Events Committee and the organization’s Content & Strategy team.

What is your role at AMA New York? Please describe your responsibilities in detail and include stats if applicable.

I wear many hats at AMA New York, and I like to say that I do a little bit of everything! My responsibilities include:

Content Creation and Editing:

For the Networking Events Committee, I create content for events, everything from event descriptions, discussion guides for panels and workshops to event promotional content such as dedicated emails, newsletters and social media copy. I’ve taken this role a step further by developing copywriting guidelines and templates for our volunteers who create content. When I joined as a volunteer, there were no guidelines, so I wanted to pay it forward to new volunteers, streamline the process and help volunteers learn the ropes. Along with two other editors, I also help proofread and copy edit the content.

Volunteer Engagement: 

After speaking with the Chair of the Networking Events Committee, Esther Elkouss, about strategies to engage our volunteers, I came up with an initiative that we continue to do today called Let’s Get the Word Out. The idea is to spread the word on LinkedIn about upcoming AMA New York events and organization updates to our LinkedIn connections. We feature the winners of this contest in the AMA New York newsletter and on social media. This initiative is an excellent way to highlight and thank volunteers on an ongoing basis.

Content and Strategy for AMA New York:

Recently, I have gotten involved in organization-wide content projects for AMA New York and serve as the Director, Content & Strategy. Working with Wendy Weatherford-Marks, VP, Content & Strategy, we develop AMA New York’s content marketing strategy and create content guidelines and processes. This role has allowed me to collaborate with AMA New York’s president, committee chairpersons and board members and attend and present at AMA New York monthly board meetings.

How would you describe your tenure with your committee?

My experience on the Networking Events Committee has been a fantastic one! We have a great group of volunteers — passionate, enthusiastic and supportive. I’m continually impressed by the number of career development, skill-building and networking events and workshops that we put on each year, led by Esther Elkouss, Committee Chair and Board Member. Two of my favorite programs have been the Career Readiness Summer Camp and the Women in Marketing Virtual Series: Take Your Seat at the Table — both inspirational and informative.

How long have you been volunteering for AMA New York and what keeps you coming back year after year?

I have been volunteering for AMA New York for over a year and a half, and what keeps me coming back year after year is the opportunity to contribute my passion and expertise and, of course, the people!

Tell us about your marketing career outside of AMA New York.

I discovered my passion for marketing when taking a communications course at Baruch College as part of my Master of Public Administration program. We read the book Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath & Dan Heath and learned about messaging and what makes a message memorable. I felt energized, and at that moment, I knew that I wanted to do something in the communications space. With a career coach’s help, I soon discovered that marketing was for me as I love to brainstorm ideas and think creatively and strategically.

To deepen my marketing knowledge, I enrolled in a continuing education marketing certificate program at Hunter College. Since then, I have freelanced in social media content creation & strategy, community management and influencer marketing. I enjoy helping brands create relevant digital content, engage with their audiences and build influencer partnerships to create loyal brand advocates and reach their company goals. And I do this through leveraging my passions for creativity, messaging, strategy and digital marketing. As a marketer, it’s essential to stay current on the latest trends, tools and platforms, and when I can, I enroll in online courses and certifications.

How has volunteering with AMA New York impacted your career?

Volunteering with AMA New York has strengthened my leadership skills, providing me opportunities to initiate projects and present at committee meetings and AMA New York board meetings. All of these experiences have made me a more effective, confident leader and marketing professional.

Recently, I have gotten involved in organization-wide content projects for AMA New York and serve as the Director, Content & Strategy. Working with Wendy Weatherford-Marks, VP, Content & Strategy, we develop AMA New York’s content marketing strategy and create content guidelines and processes. This role has allowed me to collaborate with AMA New York’s president, committee chairpersons and board members and attend and present at AMA New York monthly board meetings.